嘿嘿... 又是我很喜歡的作者 Lucy Cousins (老鼠波波的作者) 的作品
Dog opens the story by telling his friends that he is the best at everything they do. By the time he is done listing all the things he can do better than Ladybug, Mole, Goose and Donkey, Dog has made his companions feel very sad and dejected.
The tables are quickly turned on Dog when first Mole and then the rest of the crew realize that there are things they can do that surpass Dog's abilities. For example, Ladybug can fly higher, and Goose can swim much faster.
因為書中充滿形容詞的最高級、比較級用法,我不是英文老師,不教英文,那就來個Card Game吧,請小朋友都抽牌,每張牌都有不同的動物,每種動物都有身高、體重、年齡...等,按牌中的 “戰鬥力” 來比比看,誰長得較高?誰最重?誰....?